Heidi entered the classroom in 2017, and she has not left. She has found a fulfilling life’s work in innovating the classroom with each group of students that come through. Every group, in some way, opens a new door for the next group to learn and to be taught in a connective classroom!
Heidi McKay received her Foot Zoning Certification from Cheree Murdock in 2017-2018.
She was first drawn to foot zoning to help her family, but she soon knew her mission was to help others through the foot zone.
In her student experience, she exceeded the clinical requirement of 100 foot zones to complete around 1,000 foot zones in under a year. This passion has continued as she feels most at home at the feet of someone, understanding the clues and signals the reflex points on the feet are giving.
Heidi was asked in 2018-2019 to intern with Brad Noall, owner of We Do Feet, where she completed her education to become a Foot Zone instructor. After teaching for the school for many sessions, she was encouraged by her mentors to open her own foot zoning school.
So she did.
These experiences gave Heidi the wings to create a new kind of foot zoning school: an online curriculum that easily invites more people to connect with the foot zone, whether in at-home courses, certified practitioner training, or the online community for Foot Zoners.
This is a space for anyone to easily connect and feel at home.